Thursday, February 7, 2008

We Have No Right To Happiness

A giant snowstorm hit yesterday. In my philosophy class, we were talking about the snow. Some of us enjoy snow, others hate the cold weather. We all came to the same conclusion; however. Since we cannot change our situation- the snow, but we can change our attitudes, we might as well enjoy the weather. The snowy weather was beyond our control, yet it still affected our attitude, our happiness. C.S. Lewis also admits that often times we look to things beyond our control to make us happy in "We Have No Right To Happiness." He uses the example of a couple who left their spouses for each other. After all, they have a right to happiness don't they?
The woman who told them of this couple suggested that they have a legal and even moral right to happiness. Obvious from the title, the reader knows that Lewis disagrees. Instead he argues that we have a right to happiness within lawful means- moral law and state law. He argues that a society given over to immediate pleasures would deteriorate.
I also found the last two paragraphs very interesting. Lewis showed that a society given over to sexual pleasures would be demeaning to women. Ultimately, women would be harmed. And to battle this women have become more promiscuous. This is prevalent in our society today. Everyone longs to be loved. Most would risk all instead of losing this one chance at love, forever. The fulfillment from acting on sexual impulses does not last.
Lewis also made another interesting point. He stated that this mentality of acting impulsively, disregarding moral and natural law would spill over into all aspects of society. And it has, almost undetected. Without moral standards, society deteriorates.


Homey said...

I really like what you said about attitude. Really, sometimes we can choose to be happy. It's all about what outlook we want to put one things.
Also, good thought on the degredation of society. The more and more selfish we become, the worse society is going to get. Sadly, this is becoming more and more prevalent.

Emily N said...

It is truly sad that the moral standard that seems to being applied more and more in society is happiness. "If it makes you happy than it is ok!" I think not!