Sunday, February 17, 2008

"Screwtape Letters. . . Numero Uno"

I found this letter very interesting. Screwtape explains that humans hold to a bunch of contradicting philosophies at the same time. We say we believe them, but our lives do not reflect our beliefs. He also emphasizes how we get caught up in "ordinary life." When we do start have thoughts toward God, we dismiss them once we come in contact with regular life.
Moreover I also found it interesting how he talked about how argument does not convince humans to follow or not follow God. The best way to draw someone away from God is to distract them.
All of these points seem very true. This letter was thought provoking. A relationship with God means loving him and seeking him in the midst of ordinary life. Can ordinary life become extraordinary? Do I settle for too little? Or is monotony just part of life? We all have those "mountain-top" experiences- then we come down again, and "ordinary life" resumes. But can we live on the mountain-top? Do we give in too easily to "ordinary life?" Obviously, we will have our ups and downs, but what about the middles?

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