Tuesday, March 18, 2008


I found this essay very interesting. Lewis described friendship as both pure and unnatural. Biologically, humans do not need friendship to continue the race. Friends are not consumed with each other but with a common interest or vision. He says, "Lovers are normally face to face, absorbed in each other; Friends, side by side, absorbed in some common interest."

I find it interesting that Lewis distinguishes between friendship and eros. I don't think eros should exist without friendship. Ideally, a marriage should exist between the best of friends who share a common vision.

I did disagree with Lewis' thoughts on women. He talked about women and children as lesser than men. Men have the deeper, greater thoughts while women participate in meaningless chatter. He basically said that women and men cannot meet on the same level intellectually. I understand that he comes from a different era, but I still disagree. Some of my closest friends are guys. I enjoy deep conversations, I don't enjoy gossip or "meaningless chatter."

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