Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Mere Christianity Ch 1-4

In the first few chapters of Mere Christianity, CS Lewis talks about the universal moral standard that all men seem to know about, but hardly follow. This law is proof of God's existence, or at least the existence of a greater being. We do not exist on our own, we exist because He created us.
Lewis brought up another interesting point. Most natural laws are simply just what occurs in nature. Rocks fall, hence the law of gravity. But this moral law is not what happens in nature. And this seems normal to us. But something is wrong. We are imperfect, inconsistent. We can only long for and work toward the consistency that we will never achieve. And somehow through this striving, although we will fail continually, Jesus will renew, revive, and reconcile us to himself. After each failing he'll pick us up again, and teach us the same thing over again. And we'll be just a little closer to what we're longing for.

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