Tuesday, May 6, 2008


I distinctly remember 2 speakers coming to our class this semester. The first was Professor Ribeiro's father in law. Originally, he lived in the Netherlands. But he raised his family serving the Lord in Brazil. He spoke about vocation and finding God's calling. This is a topic we talk about alot at Calvin. We do not want to waste our lives, we want to serve God in whatever we do. I also remember Luke coming to talk to our class. He spoke about life at Calvin. He spoke about taking professors out to dinner, prayer groups, balancing school, work, and a social life. Honestly, I did not get much out of this talk. Luke didn't talk much about struggles, it seemed as if he has it all together. I guess its hard to share with alot of strangers, nonetheless. When people seem to "have it all together" I find it intimidating, cause I don't. And I know that I will never know everything. I appreciate it alot more when speakers show their humanity more, that they are not beyond my struggles. I guess I just did not relate to his talk.

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